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Rev Laura Borgerson 2022

A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches April 5th, 2022:

An Update from the Reopening Committee & Looking towards Palm/Passion Sunday

The Reopening Committee met last night by Zoom. We discussed a variety of items as we looked forwards to moving beyond the Pandemic. Although we recognized that there continues to be high levels of COVID-19 contamination in the sewer systems, an increase in hospital admissions of COVID-19 patients, and an increase in folks in the Wainfleet area contracting COVID-19, we remain heartened with the slow and steady progress we have made towards normalcy as a Pastoral Charge.

Masks are now optional. We have many folks within both churches continuing to wear their masks during Sunday Worship, and at gatherings, just as we have many folks who are no longer wearing masks. It is individual choice. We, also, decided at our Reopening Meeting last night that Morgan’s Point is keen to resume coffee hour following worship on Sundays. Coffee Hour will begin at Morgan’s Point on Sunday, April 10th. Folks are welcome to participate if they choose. Forks Road East is going to wait another month, and then reassess resuming coffee hour following Worship. It was, also, decided at our Reopening Committee Meeting last night that there would not be a Maundy Thursday dinner or service this year. However, we unanimously agreed that we would hold a Pastoral Charge Good Friday Service at Forks Road East on Friday, April 15th, at 11:00 a.m. There was much to celebrate at this meeting.

This Sunday, April 10th, is Passion/Palm Sunday. We enter into Holy Week, this Sunday. We are now moving beyond the Season of Lent into a deepening personal journey with Jesus, the Christ. On Sunday, April 10th, as we step into Holy Week, there is much to reflect on, as we revisit what Lent offered us. It was a time of self-reflection as we contemplated our relationship with God and the challenges, difficulties, and uncertainty that we faced. But, during this final week, God continues to call us to take time to understand who we are individually, who we are with others in community, and who we are in relationship with God.

This Sunday, the Sunday of Passion/Palm Sunday, focusses on two Gospel Lessons. We open with the Gospel of Matthew 21:1-11 (Jesus’ joyful entry into Jerusalem) and we close with Luke 23:1-49 (Jesus’ Passion). What begins as a victory parade ends as a funeral procession. It is hard to hold the tension that exists between these two lessons, yet, there is wisdom in hearing both these stories together.

Palms and passion are the reality of our world. It is the reality of our lives. It is the triumphs and tragedies that touch us all individually. Each of us can name our palms and our passions.

Let us be open to Jesus, today, and every day, as we gather up our palms and our passions, our triumphs and our tragedies, our joys and our sorrows, our laughter and our tears. Jesus accompanies us with tenderness, care, love, and wisdom as we enter the gateway by which the mystery of this Holy Week will enter each one of us.

God’s Blessings, Pastor Laura

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