A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches

It is wonderful to be back at work and connecting in with all of you, after two relaxing weeks away. It is my hope that your last two weeks were as peaceful as mine. As a Pastoral Charge, we do express our deepest condolences to Grace Harris’ family in the passing of Grace Harris. We continue to hold them in our hearts and prayers.
I know you have marked your calendars for our Sunday Worship Service on August 1st. We will have two Worship Services that day. The first Worship Service will be an outdoor worship service held at Morgan’s Point. It will begin at 9:30 a.m. We ask that you bring your own lawn chairs, masks, and be prepared to stay socially distanced. Whitney will bring her electric piano to the Morgan’s Point Worship Service. There will be a time to visit socially distanced following the service. There will be no refreshments.
Forks Road East is holding their Worship Service in the Forks Road East Church Sanctuary. It will begin at 11:00 a.m. Masks and social distancing will be required. Please bring your lawn chairs for a time of visiting, socially distanced, outside following the worship service. There will be no refreshments. This will be a wonderful day of Worship and fellowship.
If it should rain on August 1st, Morgan’s Point United Church will gather out of doors on Sunday, August 8th, at their regular time of worship, 9:30 a.m.
The Gospel Lesson this week comes from the Gospel of John 6:1-21. In the sermon, I talk about one of the great, unassuming leaders who continues to inspire us, even today: Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter. Andrew is the least known of the four disciples in Jesus’ inner circle – Peter, James, John, and Andrew. Everything about scripture tells us that Andrew had the right stuff for effective ministry. He did not need to be the center of attention. He was willing to work in the background. He was willing to let others get the credit and the praise. He was happy to do what he could with the gifts and calling that God had bestowed upon him, and more importantly, he was willing to allow others to do the same. Andrew appears to be the most thoughtful of the inner four disciples.
Andrew sets the example for many of us who wonder what we can do for God in the church. Like Andrew, so many of us have done God’s work without being in the limelight. We are quiet, always labouring faithfully, but inconspicuously. We may not receive much recognition, but then we do not seek it. We choose, instead, a lifetime of serving Christ, faithful to the end, ensuring, always, that God’s work is getting done.
I would invite you, as always, to continue to pray for one another every morning at 10:30, remembering that God grants us wisdom, love, and peace as we hold each other in God’s tender keeping. Much love and care to you all. Keep well and safe.
God’s Blessings, Pastor Laura