August 22nd, 2020
I was able to connect in with many of you this week during my phone calls and texting. It was good to share holiday news and look forwards to the Fall together. Beginning on Monday, Aug 24th, I will begin two weeks vacation. I am looking forwards to this time of rest and relaxation. While I am away, each of you will be receiving a letter from our Pastoral Charge Reopening Committee. The letter explains very clearly the feedback we need from you, and who the contact people are that you will phone to give your feedback. This will help us to decide the direction we will take in the Fall.
I hope all of you have a blessed two weeks while I am away. I will keep you in my daily prayers.
My sermon this week is based on Matthew 16:13-20. In this passage, Peter offers his confession of faith. The remainder of Peter’s life can be seen in the light of this confession. The Christian life of each of us resembles that of Peter. There’s a confession of faith, which we make, or our baptismal sponsors make on our behalf. Then, as young adults we confirm our baptismal vows. We make our own confession of faith, just as Peter did. What we experience on this faith journey is no straight, flat road, or smooth superhighway, but a journey into the unknow with many twists and turns, and plenty of peaks and valleys. Yet, whatever we do, Jesus does not leave us, reject us, deny us, or give up on us. He stays with us, just as he stayed with Peter. He never abandons us. So, let us trust in Jesus, and know that he guides us every moment of every day.
Have a grand two weeks filled with laughter, surprises, lots of family time, and rest that strengthens and refreshes. Remember that as we pray for one another every morning at 10:30, God grants us wisdom, love and peace to hold each other in infinite care.
Keep well and safe, and have a blessed two weeks.
God’s Blessings,
Pastor Laura