June 28th , 2020
This week’s letter will be fairly short. It is my Birthday today, Saturday, June 27th. I am so excited! Another year older. Another year wiser. My family and friends have been phoning and texting me all day. I even got a lovey birthday card from Gracelyn Reker. Life continues to be full of joys and fulfilment.
It is my hope and prayer that all of you are continuing to do well, staying safe, and having summer fun. It continues to be another beautiful week of warm weather. Having talked with many of you, I know you have been out and about taking walks and working in your gardens and yards. Some are working on puzzles and keeping in contact with others through phone conversations.
My sermon this week is based on Matthew 10:40-42. These three verses give us a lot to think about. Jesus, in todays’ Gospel Lesson, is encouraging the disciples to go out. Certainly he knows that they will encounter opposition, persecution, and many of them will suffer for being a disciple of Jesus, and even be put to death for their faith and witness. But, Jesus is encouraging his followers to find those who will support them, uplift them, encourage them as they go about their ministry. The better translation for the word, ‘welcome,’ is ‘receive’ which is deeper than just friendliness. To be received means take the disciple in, heeding the words proclaimed, accepting the teaching, praying for the Apostle: ‘Whoever receives you, receives me and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.’
Jesus tells us we should live out our life being kind, welcoming, and encouraging of others. Support others in their ministry. Encourage them in their service, and welcome them and receive them as from Christ himself.
As we gather to pray for each other, every morning, at 10:30, let us remember to also hold, tenderly and wisely, before God, the marches and peaceful protests, that are going on all over the world as people stand in solidarity with the black community and other communities who are marginalized. May we finally see an end to all systemic racism. Let us pray, without ceasing, with a certain and sure love that God holds for each one of us. We are all on a faith journey together, and we need to ensure each of us is doing okay.
Keep well and safe, and have a blessed week.
God’s Blessings,
Pastor Laura