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A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches

Writer's picture: Rev Laura Borgerson - 2020Rev Laura Borgerson - 2020

July 5th , and July 12th, 2020

I am writing a combined letter this week to speak for the weeks of July 5th and July 12th. Cecil and Bambi will be away over these next couple of weeks to visit their new grandchildren out west, and so will not be able to post my letters on my blog. However, I am so excited for this time that Bambi and Cecil will have as they gather with their family and give thanks to God for this blessed gift in their lives. I know some of you have also left to spend time with your precious family members, and I wish all of you many moments of thanksgiving.

As one week moves into another in this time of COVID – 19, it is my hope and prayer that all of you are continuing to do well, staying safe, and having summer fun. It continues to be another beautiful week of warm weather. Having talked with many of you, I know you have been out and about taking walks and working in your gardens and yards. Some are working on puzzles and keeping in contact with others through phone conversations.

My sermon this week, July 5th, is based on Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30. Jesus invites us to step into the yoke with him so that we can not only find rest, but we will also find our burdens will become lighter. In this way, Jesus enables us to live our lives meaningfully in a pressured world. Jesus not only helps us to put our lives together, but he provides us with a way in which we can live in the midst of life’s stress and exercise his peace by recognising his presence with us. Jesus is in every part of our lives, especially those hurt or pressurised parts.

In next week’s sermon, July 12th, I have chosen to read Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23. In this passage, God sows an abundance of seed with irrepressible hope. If you have ever seen plants pushing up through concrete, you know that things, including God’s love, can grow in the most unlikely places. But, God wants us to be sowers too, so if we take up this task, we have to sow as God does with reckless abandon, confident that the grace we’re sharing never runs out.

As we gather to pray for each other, every morning, at 10:30, let us remember to also hold, tenderly and wisely, before God, the marches and peaceful protests, that are going on all over the world as people stand in solidarity with the black community and other communities who are marginalized. May we finally see an end to all systemic racism. Let us pray, without ceasing, with a certain and sure love that God holds for each one of us. We are all on a faith journey together, and we need to ensure each of us is doing okay.

Keep well and safe, and have a blessed week.

God’s Blessings,

Pastor Laura

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