This week we celebrate Easter 3. The Gospel Lesson we will study comes from the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35. It is the story of Jesus joining two travellers on the road to Emmaus. One of the travellers is named Cleopas while the other traveller remains unidentified. Perhaps this is to allow us to insert our own name into the story.
On any Sunday morning, right here in Wainfleet, modern versions of Cleopas and the other traveller come walking down the road – either Lakeshore Road or Forks Road East – and turn in at the church door. Each yearns for the presence of the Risen Christ, and they find him here in these church buildings.
But, like Cleopas, and the other traveller, there is always the danger that once they leave this building, they may become too preoccupied, too busy, too stressed out, to actually recognize Jesus out there in the world.
So, as you walk along the road, later today, keep your eyes open. You just may glimpse, out of the corner of your eye, a stranger overtaking you. At first you may not recognize him, but, then, you will sense a growing warmth as your heart begins to burn within you. Then comes the moment, magnificent and unexpected, when you will see who it is. Each one of us has come face to face with Jesus in our own unique way, just like the travellers on the road to Emmaus.
This week, I have phoned and texted many of you, once again, as we have continued to remain physically distanced. Our conversations are, as always, insightful and meaningful. I look forwards to them immensely. We talked a lot about Nova Scotia this week. We reflected on, and prayed for, their sorrow. Many of us will have watched ‘Nova Scotia Remembers’ on Friday evening. It was truly a deeply moving tribute to the memories of the victims, as well as bringing comfort and hope to their families, friends, and co-workers.
Let us continue to pray for each other, and all the circumstances that God places on our hearts, every morning, at 10:30, with a certain and sure love that God holds for each one of us. We are all on a faith journey together, and we need to ensure each of us is doing okay.
Keep well and safe, and have a blessed week.
God’s Blessings,
Pastor Laura