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Writer's pictureRev Laura Borgerson - 2020

A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches. May 24th: Easter 7

The weather is warming and our gardens are bidding us to enjoy the freshness of the soil and the joy of planting. I am so grateful for the many plants I have received over these past two weeks. After my friend and gardener, George, removed all my beloved weeds, I was uncertain where to begin with new plants. You have given me a great and generous start and I now have every plant in its own place. I will get pictures of my flower garden on Instagram when I have a few moments.

This week has been, as always, busy with the blessings of life. I was able to get my preaching schedule roughed in. I still have a few more hours on it to finalize the details. After a Zoom meeting of Council this past week, we realized folks would like the hymn books to sing along as Whitney plays our hymns, so to that end, Whitney will put on the shuffle board table in the Church Hall the Praise and Black books. You can pick them up on Tuesday mornings when Grace is in the office. The hymn numbers and hymns will be posted on the webpage beginning next week (May 31st )

This Sunday, I decided to preach on John 17:1-11. It is, again, a beautiful passage. This prayer is sometimes referred to as Jesus’ high priestly prayer. It takes place on the night of the last supper. Supper has been eaten; feet have been washed; and Jesus has taught his disciples. Judas has left the table, and the betrayal has begun. Now Jesus looks to heaven in prayer to his God and our God. What do we learn from Jesus’ prayer? I have many things to say about that. But, in the end, I believe that whenever we love, offer mercy, or act with compassion we have answered Jesus prayer.

Let us continue to pray for each other, and all the circumstances that God places on our hearts, every morning, at 10:30, with a certain and sure love that God holds for each one of us. We are all on a faith journey together, and we need to ensure each of us is doing okay.

Keep well and safe, and have a blessed week.

God’s Blessings,

Pastor Laura

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Wandering Waldo
Wandering Waldo
13 thg 9, 2021

Lovely ppost

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