A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches

I have some great news to share with folks this weekend! It is a Praise Report! I know that many of you will remember a request I sent out for help to assist Ted and I locate housing in St. Catharines for our daughter Katie. So many of you responded with thoughtful and relevant information. You also expressed a willingness to help Katie, once she made the move into this area.
We conveyed all this information to Katie, and she was so grateful to receive it. She did tell Ted and I, though, that she would look once more in Peterborough for housing that would be affordable, and in a safe neighbourhood, so that she would be able to continue in her position with Wee Watch, as a child care provider. Fortunately, for Katie, two of her friends, Rachel and Derek, a husband and wife team, were also looking for an opportunity to invest in rental property as Katie began to look. The three of them pooled their ideas, dreams, wisdom, and their down payments, and began to house hunt together.
Last week, these three friends purchased a new home. Katie is over the moon with joy. She will be able, now, to remain in Peterborough close to her daughter Maia. She will live in the main floor of the house they have purchased, and the three friends will renovate the basement to accommodate bringing in a renter. Derek is a roofer and contractor, so they will be able to do a lot of the work on their own. Derek and Rachel, who will remain living in their own home, have asked Katie to manage the rental property. I am so very pleased for all of them. Possession date is July 1st.
Katie knew I was writing a letter to you, today, and asked to add a paragraph to my letter. She knows so many of you have prayed for her and Maia over the years, and have been supporting her with your prayers during this time of transition. She writes: I wanted to send a little message along to thank everyone who has taken the time to pray, or look into a resource to help me over the last few months. It was so very much appreciated. I believe all of your prayers helped guide me into being able to purchase my very first home here in Peterborough. So, Thank you!!! In a world where we rely so much on technology, it really does take a village, and a whole lot of faith, to foster a community that seeks the wellbeing of all. Thank you again!
Once again, Ted and I thank all of you in your support and encouraging prayers for Katie and Maia. Our God is so immensely good. I speak about God as the Good Shepherd in today’s Gospel lesson from John 10:11-18. Our God is truly a kind and loving Shepherd who watches over each one of us. We have so much for which to be thankful for. I would invite you, as always, to continue to pray for one another every morning at 10:30, remembering that God grants us wisdom, love, and peace as we hold each other in God’s tender keeping. Much love and care to you all. Keep well and safe.
God’s Blessings, Pastor Laura