A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches
Well, it is Advent 2 this week. This means many of us are busy – up to our eyebrows - with baking, shopping, decorating, and connecting in with family. It is truly a blessed time of the year.
My sermon this week is based on Isaiah 40:1-11, and is entitled “Road Work Ahead”. In our Hebrew Scripture reading, Isaiah calls us to prepare for God’s arrival! Make the road straight and smooth, a highway fit for our great God. Fill in the valleys; level off the hills; smooth out the ruts; clear out the rocks. Isaiah is using an image to explain how the coming of Jesus will level the way for all people to see God’s presence and share in God’s goodness. It is a wonderful image.
During this Advent season, it is easy to become lost in the secular trappings that are so much a part of the holiday traditions. Therefore, it is important to slow down and make a conscious choice to draw from the comfort of our God, who lives deep in our lives. God’s comfort is present with us each and every day, reaching out through us and others, to the world, with immense love.
Isaiah tells us that God, like a shepherd, will care for His flock, gathering the lambs in His arms, and hugging them as He carries them. The Good Shepherd is always with us. All we have to do is open our hearts to God’s presence among us, and to allow God to gently lead us in all that we do and say.
Next week, Marilyn Williams and Liz Pigeon will begin to deliver my Christmas letter to all of you. It may take them a couple of weeks to get them dropped off to everyone. I appreciate immensely their willingness to do this. They are, indeed, gifts from God, to all of us. I will resume writing on my blog, once again, after the Christmas season.
As we pray for one another every morning at 10:30, remember that God grants us wisdom, love and peace as we hold each other in God’s tender keeping.
Much love and care to you all. Keep well and safe.
God’s Blessings,
Pastor Laura