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Rev. Laura Borgerson - 2021

June 13th, 2021: Pentecost 3

A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches

June 13th, 2021: Pentecost 3

I am delighted (over the moon, in fact) that Ted and I received our second vaccine, today. As each of us arrives, day by day, and week by week, at this moment in time, we are able to see more clearly the other side of this pandemic. It will only be a little while longer before we are able to get together, still socially distanced and masked, and begin to catch up on all the happenings in our families since we were last able to gather. This truly is a time to celebrate, and to reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness to us. With much hard work and commitment, from so many individuals, we are entering a time when we will soon look forwards to being able to, once again, gather as Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East faith communities. I am so excited for all of us, and for the plans God holds for each of us.

The Epistle Reading that I have chosen to speak on this Sunday morning comes from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. It is found in 2 Corinthians 5:6-17. In this passage, Paul offers us three thought provoking contrasts to reflect on. The first one is found in verse 7 when Paul says that we live by faith, not by sight. The second contrast is found in verse 9 when Paul says that to be away from the body is to be at home with the Lord. Finally, we hear the third contrast when Paul encourages us, in verse 12, to not look at outward appearances, but instead, to look into the heart of others.

Throughout this passage, Paul seems to be encouraging us to anchor our hearts in Jesus and to his death on the cross. When that happens, Paul says, we “No longer live to ourselves, but to him who died and rose again.”(v15). As we live for Christ, we desire to please God as we are directed by God’s love instead of our own wants. It is this abiding love that enables us to lead lives of sacrifice and service to others.

Paul concludes his message to us, today, in verse 17, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new!” He is telling us that our hearts have been transformed, and that transformation works its way through our very lives. As Christians, we are transformed by the power of the cross. As Christians, we are a heart people because God has transformed our hearts, and we are new creations in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

I would invite you, as always, to continue to pray for one another every morning at 10:30, remembering that God grants us wisdom, love, and peace as we hold each other in God’s tender keeping. Much love and care to you all. Keep well and safe.

God’s Blessings,

Pastor Laura

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1 comentário

Glenn Stansfield
Glenn Stansfield
13 de jun. de 2021

Thank you Pastor Laura for this ,beautiful, faithful , hopeful message.

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