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May 9th, 2021: Mother’s Day

Writer's picture: Rev Laura Borgerson - 2020Rev Laura Borgerson - 2020

A Congregational Letter to Morgan’s Point and Forks Road East United Churches

Happy Mother’s Day! There is nothing quite like a Mother’s nurturing comfort, unconditional love, and abiding friendship - is there? So, today, we bless our Mothers, for all that they have done for us.

For some of us - our Mothers are but a cherished memory now; others of us continue to be blessed with the opportunity to share good times, concerns, and conversations with our moms.

So many of us are absolutely grateful for the loving hands that have worked so hard in raising us; caring enough to guide and encourage us; and blessing us in ways we could not have fully known as children.

Mothers - you may be someone who has given birth, or you may have assumed the role of a mentoring Mother - but, you are God’s love, care, and compassion in expression.

No matter your age; where you live; or who the children are who need you - you are there to reassure, to listen, and to love. God bless you. We are so grateful for what you have done - and continue to do in life - as you nurture, love, and care for all the children God has placed in your care.

Happy Mother’s Day - to all of you!

I would invite you, as always, to continue to pray for one another every morning at 10:30, remembering that God grants us wisdom, love, and peace as we hold each other in God’s tender keeping. Much love and care to you all. Keep well and safe.

God’s Blessings,

Pastor Laura

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